Hi everyone!
Had a good time hiking this week to recharge and reflect on life and investing.
And... I ran into a family of otters! 🦦
Alright! This week I want to talk about long-term investing.
What it means and how do we hunt for life-changing investments.
Many speak of long-term investing, but few understand it's more than our holding period.
It's the quest of looking for companies that are able to take over the responsibility of compounding our wealth for us.
Check out my latest post on the 3 rules to follow for growing our wealth (audio format available above).
II. Kevin Kelly’s Unsolicited Advice
Every birthday, Kevin Kelly would offer bits of advice on his blog.
And they are great advice!
I considered writing a version of my own, but perhaps next year.
III. Valuation: P/E Multiple, what does it mean?
The P/E multiple is perhaps one of the most used but also the most misunderstood metric.
Check out my most read article and two white papers on this subject.
Read Here➞ Figuring out a company’s intrinsic value with PE ratio
Read Here➞ What does a PE multiple mean? By Michael Mauboussin
Read Here➞ The P/E ratio: A user’s manual by Epoch
Thomas Chua