Updated resources - Qtr 2 2020 fund managers letters, books recommendations and more!
Updated resource page!
In case you haven't check out the resource page, it has a lot of gems that have valued added my investment research process!
Charlie Munger once said that if an investor did just three things, the end results would be vastly better than the rest. One of which is to carefully look at what the other great investors have done. I have listed down the platform I use and the investors I track here.
Books recommendation
I have just included my recommended books for:
Investing - Books that were immensely helpful in shaping my investment philosophy.
Personal Finance - Books that you must read if you are looking to achieve financial independence or if you wish to learn more about insurance
Personal Development - Books that offer insights that help me think more rationally and be more productive.
Hedgefund letters
As the second quarter of 2020 comes to an end, many famous investors have started to publish their letters on key insights and observations.
I have consolidated them all on this page! They will keep coming in over the next few weeks.
Steady Compounding
Thanks for reading! This is the newsletter update from Steady Compounding. The purpose of writing this blog is to organize my thoughts and further my learning. And hopefully, my experiences will be able to benefit readers as you develop your own investment process or framework to life.
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