3-Bullet Sunday (The Peter Lynch Playbook, The Art of Not Selling, The Most Defining Decade)
Writing this on 29 Jan morning, feeling lethargic from my booster shot yesterday.
Nothing much has change this week, as I continue to deploy new cash flows into the market.
If we are going to be net savers for the near future, we should continue to welcome the occasional drawdowns!
1. The Peter Lynch Playbook
Found a gem by Mayur Jain.
He compiled all of Peter Lynch’s learnings into this note.
2. The Art of Not Selling by Akre Capital
Amidst this drawdown, I’ve been many lament that they should have sold a couple months back.
Well hindsight 20/20. When we’re market timing, we need to get it right twice.
Selling at the top, and re-entering at the bottom. Consistently.
This post explains why sell decisions are usually costly and when is the appropriate time to sell.
3. Book I Would Recommend Young People
Although this book talk about the stuff we need to address in our twenties—career, relationships, friends, family planning and more—I felt that this book was also applicable to someone in their thirties too.
It asks really good questions and gave plenty of perspectives from the author’s clinical practice.
If you prefer to watch a 14 minute TED talk by the author:
Till next time!
As I retreat to the comfort of my bed and wait for the side effect of the booster shot to wear out.
Thomas Chua