3-Bullet Sunday (Reflections on Facebook, Asking Good Questions, and Redefining Hard Work)
Hi everyone!
I’m almost done with the deep dive on Sea Limited’s gaming arm: Garena. Once published, the report will be available for 3-Bullet Sunday subscribers for 48 hours before being paywalled.
Forward this to any of your friends or colleagues who are looking to learn more about Sea Limited, the gaming ecosystem, and how Garena has pulled off an incredible feat in topping the charts all around the world.
I. Facebook is at its all-time high—a trillion dollar company!
The company is spending some serious money on developing its platform—especially the VR ecosystem. Zuck is really committed to dominating this space!
Also, the anti-trust lawsuit was dismissed—which was a no-brainer, really. There are so many alternatives out there—Snapchat, Pinterest, Tiktok, Twitter, Telegram, and many more. You can’t penalize a company for simply being more successful than the rest.
Thankfully this case didn’t drag on like it did for Microsoft in early 2000. It sapped up so much of Bill Gates’ time and energy back then, I wonder how much more Microsoft could have achieved if the Government had not held it back.
With China’s tech sector rapidly catching on, the US Government should be acutely aware that holding back its tech giants may threaten the United States’ dominant position.
I have written in my Facebook deep dive [paywalled] on the company’s business model, future growth prospects and what I think about it as an investment today.
II. How do you ask good questions?
Asking good questions is such an important skill. It makes you a better thinker and a better conversationalist.
III. The hardest work is thinking of a better way to do it.
We need to redefine ‘hard work’ to include ‘hard thinking’.
The person who outsmarts you is outworking you. The person who finds shortcuts is outworking you. The person with a better strategy is outworking you.
Usually, the hardest work is thinking of a better way to do it.
—James Clear