3-Bullet Sunday (Home Depot, Sleep Toolkit, and Buffett Essays)
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I. What Made Home Depot a 10-Bagger in the Past Decade?
Investing has no style points.
Sometimes the best investment is a company with a simple business model.
Home Depot has been a 10-bagger in the past decade.
Check out the article to find out why!
II. Having Sleep Problems?
If you are not sleeping right, your brain will not function optimally.
The Huberman Lab put together a very helpful toolkit on how you can optimize your sleep!
III. Book I’m Reading: The Essays Of Warren Buffett
It's my third time reading Buffett's letters.
As I read them at different stages of my investment journey, I gain different insights.
The more I learn over time, the more I appreciate his wisdom and insights.
It's because Lawrence Cunningham organizes Buffett's writings into categories (e.g. corporate governance, capital allocation) and the flow makes it easier to absorb.
I know this week has been brutal in the markets, if you need someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to shoot me a DM on my socials or reply to this email.
I will try to get back to all of you.