Hi friends,
There are many updates for this week!
I have refreshed the blog layout and migrated the newsletter platform to substack with the help of Tapan. I have had my first Youtube Live on how to break out of the poverty cycle with Jeraldine Phneah and will my having my first podcast interview with Coldbrew Money today.
Going for interviews is nerve-racking as hell but growth happens with one step outside of our comfort zone. I’m currently in discussion with a few organizations on speaking events—more growth (or discomfort?🤣) to come!
I. [New Post] The Third Great Era of Software
To survive in the digital economy, every company is becoming a software company today. The birth of the software supply chain has made it a lot easier for companies to build their software and scale.
Companies today no longer have to build everything from scratch and are able to focus on building their unique selling proposition.
II. Life-Changing Principles by Tapan Desai
Tapan reads widely and shares the most useful mental models he can find in writing and with his amazing graphic design skills. Here are some of my favorites:
Desire is the contact that you sign with yourself to be unhappy
The obstacle is the way
Hedonic Treadmill
Check out his post below!
III. [Interview] Escaping poverty in Singapore
And of course, the interview that gave me anxiety 3 days up till the actual event. Though, I’m glad I did it from the readers who reached out to me, sharing how my story and actionable takeaways help with the challenges they are currently facing.
If you haven’t caught it already, click the image below to watch the interview!
If you have found this useful, please share it with your friends!